LAST UPDATE:May 23th de 2018
When you make a purchase in Tiwel or want to receive offers, promotions or discounts through our page, you share certain information with us. Therefore, we want to be clear about the information we collect, the way we use it, with whom we share it and the options we give you to control, access and update your information.
That is the reason why we wrote this Privacy Policy. Therefore, we have tried to write it in a way that does not contain legal jargon, since it often makes it more difficult to understand the content of these documents. Of course, if you still have questions about any aspect of our Privacy Policy, simply contact us, using the contact information provided at the end of this document.
If you do not agree that Tiwel may treat the personal data and information referred to for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, we ask that you do not continue the process of accessing our Service.
Tiwel Private policy
Through this legal notice and privacy policy, ALPHADVENTURE, S.L. (Hereinafter, TIWEL) with registered office in AVENIDA DE CASTILLA, 32, NAVE 82, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID, informs the users of the website of its Privacy Policy, and describes what data it collects, how it uses them , the options of the users in relation to these data, their rights (known as ARCO rights, Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition and the new ones introduced by the RGPD, right to forget, right to the portability of the personal data and the right to the limitation in the treatment), the security of your data, commercial communications and the modification of the confidentiality policy.
The use of the website of Tiwel and any of the services that are incorporated in it, implies full acceptance of the conditions that are presented below Privacy Policy.
To comply with the regulations, for Tiwel is not simply an option, it is an obligation to demonstrate our transparency, that is why Tiwel guarantees the protection of all the personal data that you provide us through the Website, complying with the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, the «LOPD»), Royal Decree 1270/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPD (hereinafter, the «RLOPD»), as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter, the «RGPD») and the rest of the applicable regulations.
For your peace of mind and security, all personal data provided through the Service will be processed in accordance with legal requirements and will be incorporated into one or more files created and maintained under the responsibility of Tiwel. By accessing the Tiwel Service and accepting this clause, you authorize and give your consent for your data to be incorporated into said file / s; however, you can always change your mind and revoke your consent.
1. Recogida de datos y consentimiento
In compliance with Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), it is reported that the personal data requested in our forms or that can be provided to us through our addresses of electronic mail, will be included in our personal data files, whose head and owner is TIWEL.
All data collected will be treated with the due confidentiality following the current regulations on the protection of personal data, under the current LOPD, RLOPD and, next application, the RGPD. Our files are registered in the General Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable to the Spanish State, to which the people, both national and foreign, who use this website are subject.
2. Purposes of the processing
The data we request is adequate, concrete and necessary for the purpose for which they are collected, and will not be used with any other data than the one for which they have been assigned. In no case the user is obliged to provide these to TIWEL, however it must be noted that failure to do so implies the inability to provide TIWEL services in the manner normally envisaged.
TIWEL is not responsible for the processing of personal data of web pages that the user can access through the various links on our website.
Unless expressly indicated, it will be considered necessary to fill in all the fields of each form. These data offered by the user will have to be true, accurate, complete and updated.
The user is solely responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, caused to TIWEL or to any third party, by filling out the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information, or with data from third parties.
Our website obtains the personal data of the user by means of the reception of forms, and by means of the electronic mail, with the following aims:
– Subscription to online newsletters, physical publications, web pages and commercial and promotional communications related to TIWEL services.
– Management of TIWEL for information or registration as a collaborating company and for the management and registration as a user of other TIWEL products.
– Commercial: When the interested person sends the personal data and the electronic address to TIWEL, it is expressly authorizing its use for the purposes of periodic communications, including implicitly those that are made by electronic mail. The registration or registration in certain services entails the obtaining of express consent for the sending of commercial or promotional communications of TIWEL. Likewise, TIWEL will put the users of mechanisms so that, in a simple and free way, they can desist from the consent granted for the purpose of sending electronic communications, complying fully with the European and national regulations on the matter referred to.
TIWEL reserves the right to decide the incorporation, or not, of the personal data of those people to their files.
3. How we share information
In case you were wondering, the Tiwel Web site may use cookies, therefore we explain in detail what they are and how we use them in our «Cookies Policy».
With third parties. Tiwel will not disclose personal information contained in its files to third parties without having the express consent of the User, and will only use the data included in the files for the purposes listed in the «Purpose of treatment» section.
In the same way, you are informed that your personal data will always be communicated when requested by legal requirement and in the terms required by the regulations.
4. Subsequent transfer and international consent processing
We are a growing corporation with a vocation for internationalization, so we can have users and operations in multiple countries, even outside the European Union. We have developed data practices designed to ensure that information is protected appropriately, but we can not always know where in the world the information will be accessed or processed. Although our main data centers are located in the European Union, we may transfer personal information or other information to our offices outside the European Union. If we disclose personal information to a third party or to our employees outside the European Union, we will seek assurances that any information we may provide to you is adequately protected and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the requirements of applicable privacy laws.
By providing your personal information, you consent to any transfer and processing thereof in accordance with what is described in this Policy.
5. How long do we keep your content
We may retain certain data as backup or security for a limited period or as required by law.
6. Control over your information
We want you to have control over your information, that’s why we provide you with the following tools.
Right (ARCO) access, rectification, cancellation and opposition; right to oblivion, right to portability of personal data and the right to limitation on the processing of personal user data.
The user has the right to access their personal data collected in TIWEL files, rectify them if they are not correct, cancel them or oppose their treatment, under the terms established by law, by contacting ALPHADVENTURE, S.L. via email [email protected] with the [subject «Exercise Rights ARCO-RGPD»] or, by writing to ALPHADVENTURE, SL, AVENIDA DE CASTILLA, 32, NAVE 82, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID . In this email you must clearly indicate your complete contact information, the right you wish to exercise and what action you request, of course, you must attach a photocopy of your D.N.I./N.I.F. or any other document that serves to prove your identity.
In addition, the introduction of the RGPD incorporates the right to be forgotten, the right to the portability of personal data and the right to limitation in processing.
The right to be forgotten or suppressed is to prevent, by order of the affected party, the dissemination of personal information through the Internet when its publication does not meet the adequacy and pertinence requirements set forth in the regulations. This includes the right to limit the universal and indiscriminate dissemination of personal data in general search engines when the information is obsolete or no longer relevant or public interest, although the original publication is legitimate.
The right to data portability empowers the interested party to obtain a copy of their personal data in a structured and commonly used electronic format and transfer their data from one electronic treatment system to another
The right to limitation in the treatment consists of the power of the interested parties to request and obtain from the controller or file, a limitation of the processing of their personal data when any of the following conditions are met:
– The interested party challenges the accuracy of the personal data, during a period that allows the responsible to verify the accuracy of the same.
– The treatment is unlawful and subject opposes the deletion of personal data and request instead limiting its use.
– The manager no longer needs the personal data for purposes of treatment, but concerned the need for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
– The interested party has opposed the treatment
It is important that, in order to keep the personal data updated, it is always informed that any modification occurs; otherwise, TIWEL does not answer for the veracity of the same.
If the user does not expressly cancel his / her personal data from the TIWEL files, it is understood that he / she is still interested in remaining incorporated as long as they are suitable for the purpose for which they were obtained, and as long as TIWEL considers it appropriate.
7. Security of personal data
TIWEL informs that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard security, as required by the current regulations that regulate the LOPD Regulation (Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulation of development of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of protection of personal data), of the files that contain personal data, for which we have installed all the means and technical security measures at our disposal for avoid loss, unauthorized access or manipulation of your data.
8. Children, age restrictions
Our services are not designed for people under 14 years of age. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 14. If you are aware that anyone under the age of 14 has provided us with personal information contrary to what is legally established, please contact us and we will take the necessary measures to eliminate this information.
9. Commercial communications by e-mail
In compliance with article 21 of the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the information society and electronic commerce), which prohibits the sending of communications commercial via e-mail that previously have not been expressly authorized by the recipients, we inform you that the acceptance of these conditions of use and confidentiality policy implies your express authorization to make informative, commercial, advertising and promotional, by this means to the address provided. However, if you do not wish to receive our commercial communications by email, you can request it by going to:
ALPHADVENTURE, SL via email [email protected] or by writing to ALPHADVENTURE, SL, AVENIDA DE CASTILLA, 32, NAVE 82, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID, always accompanying a photocopy of your ID , or document accrediting the entity that represents.
10. Modification of the privacy policy
TIWEL reserves the right in the future to modify its data protection policy in accordance with its criteria, or because of a legislative, jurisprudential, or business practice change. If TIWEL introduces any modification, the new text will be published on this same page, where the user may have knowledge of the data protection policy. In any case, the relationship with the user will be governed by the rules provided at the precise moment when the website is accessed and, consequently, it is mandatory to read them each time you provide us with your information through our website.
The use of the Web attributes to the person who makes use of it the condition of User, and accepts the present Conditions from which it has had opportunity to take cognizance.